Tuesday, October 7, 2008

We've Arrived!

We've finally arrived in Oxford and all pretty dead tired. Some friends of ours from Magdalen Road Church (the church Steve attended 10 years ago) met us at Heathrowe airport in London and are putting us up until we can move into more permanent accomodation. We're thankful for God's provision for us in this way, as we might otherwise have ended up on Oxford's streets! Please pray we can secure our own flat/home soon.

More to come later...


Charity said...

Lise, you guys made it moving to Nigeria with no real clue of how things would happen there. With the strength of God at your side, you can do this too. I'm praying for you and those kids. You'll do it.

Anonymous said...

Yay! We're on the same time sone again!! (Briefly, true.) Love you all! XOXOXO

Ali said...

I'm so glad you arrived safely. Can't wait to hear more about your new adventure!