Monday, May 18, 2009

another day?

I don't know if I can make it another day. I feel like my whole world is out of control. I know in my head there are many steps I could take to help it get better, but I just don't have the will or the energy. I want to sleep and never wake up. I don't want to struggle and battle and feel like a failure every single day. I know this is wrong. But I can't seem to get it right.


Unknown said...

Hang in there, Lisa! God only gives us the strength for one day at a time. Trust Him for tomorrow. What you are doing daily is harder and more important than anything many of us face. I can't do it, and I know you can't do it on your own. But with Christ, you can! He shows up when we need him most. If you can't see your way forward, look back on His provision in the past...

Dacia said...

Oh, Blyth, I wish we could have a nice long day (week?) to just hang out. Praying for you.